Looper Textile Co. Deep Dives: 10 Countries on 5 Continents

Second-hand trader at Boupi market, Douala, Cameroon.

Building on our previous visits to second-hand sales markets, we have expanded our deepdives to ten countries across five continents. Our recent visits to Kenya, Cameroon, Togo, Ghana, and The Gambia add to our growing understanding of the intricate nodes within the sales markets in different regions. These insights shape our understanding of market-specific demands and guide how we trade sorted garment categories. For example, in Lomé, Togo, we've learned that there is a strong preference for summer children's clothing mixes, and menswear has a distinct market appeal. In every country, we engage with local entrepreneurs, market leaders, and other stakeholders to observe and learn from the unique ecosystems that sustain these industries.

Watch this clip for a glimpse into our experience.

Visit Highlight: A Major Challenge and a Promising Opportunity

We have seen the influence of local green entrepreneurs and how they are building circular ecosystems by diverting used textiles, footwear, and market cutoffs from wrongful disposal, supporting environmental ambitions, and creating local jobs. Such local expertise creates value in reducing waste and has the potential for expanding similar models in other markets.

In Kenya, Africa Collect Textiles repurposes unwanted denim into rugs.

Simultaneously, we've observed a recurring challenge with unsold garments, especially those from “lower-quality imports.” These items burden storage capacity and disrupt a more linear supply chain, as retailers frequently resort to selling them at discounted prices to remote markets beyond the primary or secondary tiers.

Remaining low-quality garments ready to be discounted.

At Looper Textile Co., we transform these insights into sorting expertise and recognize the need for industry-wide strategies that improve sorting processes, promote repurposing, and ensure that only garments needed by the final consumer reach sales markets.

Looking ahead, we remain focused on understanding each market's unique dynamics. Stay tuned for our next deep dive, where we'll explore the emerging trends in many other regions.
