To be reused or recycled, used and unwanted garments must be collected and sorted into different streams.
We give used and unwanted textiles a new life
We are an independent company headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. We provide solutions for unwanted textiles to municipalities and retailers.
We collect and sort unwanted textiles to enable reuse and recycling. We are owned 50% by H&M Group and 50% by REMONDIS.
We collaborate with a network of sorting partners around the world. Our operations sort into more than 200 finished goods.
Responsible sorters like Looper Textile Co. sort into many different categories to maximize the likelihood of each garment reaching a suitable end state based on its characteristics.
We prepare used and unwanted garments for the next phase of their lifecycle.
So that they can be provided as feedstock to companies engaged in reuse and recycling.
Our sorting process incorporates both manual and technological elements.
We currently have ~60 trained sorters working in our facilities.
In September 2023, we also activated a pilot line for automated sorting, which integrates near-infrared (NIR) and optical sensors for automated material recognition. This technology enables Looper Textile Co. to sort for the precise specifications required by the textile-to-textile recyclers that are developing promising solutions for the future.
On average, about 60% of the garments we sort are classified for reuse or second-hand selling, 30% for recycling, and 10% for thermal-heat recovery or incineration due to contamination.

We operate three sorting facilities in Europe
In geographies where we do not have our own operations, we work with an assortment of partners in reuse and recycling who share our focus on transparency and responsibility regarding garment end state.